Never has the need been so great ... We have never faced such a great challenge. Until September 1, we need an extra € 25,000 to provide our staff in Uganda with a salary. A team of wonderful men and women who are always lovingly ready for our children. Teachers, cooks, dear moms, cleaners, they need your support!

What's the situation?
Due to the corona crisis, all our 850 children are at home with family. We miss them terribly! Empty classrooms, a quiet playground, no smiling children's faces. We look forward to holding all these children in our arms again! The situation is even more acute, because our loyal team that takes care of these children has no job now. In Uganda, no work means no income. However, we want to take our responsibility and continue to pay 70% for our nearly 100 employees. We realize that these people also have a family, have to pay the rent of their house, and need food themselves. We don't want to leave them hanging!
Your contribution helps
Under normal circumstances, 60% of our staff are paid from the income coming from Uganda. This has all disappeared due to the corona crisis. That is why we cannot do this without your help! Can we count on your support?
You can transfer your gift via the button below or by transferring an amount to IBAN NL43 INGB 000 000 5066, stating 'emergency aid'. Together we can face this challenge!
You can transfer your gift via the button below or by transferring an amount to IBAN NL43 INGB 000 000 5066, stating 'emergency aid'. Together we can face this challenge!
The staff members are very grateful! Irene, one of our teachers, made a video. You can view it here.