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Sylvia is 8 years old. Her father died in a car accident from internal bleeding. Her mother has no job and asked her parents-in-law for help raising Sylivia...

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This is Miracle, he is 6 years old. For the first few years, Miracle grew up with his father and mother. Unfortunately, his mother developed heart problems and...

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Frank is 11 years old. He hardly knew his father. When he was only two years old, his father died in a car accident...

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This is Estancia, she is 9 years old. She has already experienced incredible hardships in her young life. When she was just 1 year old, her mother died...

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This is Moses, he is 7 years old. For the first few years, Moses grew up with his mother and father. Unfortunately, his mother developed heart problems...

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This is Nathan, he is 9 years old. His father died when he was just 2 years old. From then on, his mother was on her own...

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